Monday, September 04, 2006

Oh Captain, my Captain.

This was an email that I sent out at the station, on the first day of school last September upon learning some bad news from home. I want to share it with you.

Ah September, the beginning of the school year. Remember when you were school age and either treated this time of year with excitement or as in my case with dread. Do you remember that teacher or professor that challenged you. You know what I mean, the one that saw the potential within. That teacher that inspired you to take risks to leave your comfort zone, help shape the kind of adult that you have become.

I was fortunate enough to have such a teacher, my grade 10 English teacher, Mary (Missy) Boyne. She showed me how be a story teller. She helped me discover creativity. Frankly she had a major influence on the kind of person I grew to become. She was more than an English teacher, she was a teacher of life. The school motto at Saint John High is Vita Vitalis- A Life Worthwhile, She lived it.

Missy left us this past weekend. She was far too young and there were many more classes to teach but, I cannot help but feel deep sadness of her passing.

Now, I would like you all to take a moment and reflect about that special teacher that was your "Missy". Take a moment if you are able and send them an email or a note just to say thanks. They will be happy to hear from you and you will be glad you did.

I miss you Missy and thanks.

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