Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nope I'm not Dead, Dead Tired Maybe.

Much time has pasted since I sat down to put thought to words. There has been much that has transpired, but inspiration has failed me. In that time I have marvelled at how photog scribes like Stuart Lenslinger Pittman have cranked it out day after day almost effortless. Yes they too run into those days of writers block, but manage to overcome and deliver.
It is done with practice and commitment. Both I have been lacking in recent weeks. Hopefully a well earned vacation away from everything has recharged and re-energized me.

For all of you who have been dropping by to see if I am still alive,,,, I thank you. I return to Flight duty on Monday and with any luck there will be much to write about.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Welcome back. Now get writing!!

PS: Finally someone who understands the pain!! :)