Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!

This is supposed to be a good week. It is a flight week for me, BUT as luck would have it, the weather sucks. Rain makes for messy shooting in the sky. Hell last night we didn't even get into the air because of low cloud.
All of my crewmates look forward to our flight rotations. It's a nice break from routine of daily general assignment shooting. We all love to fly. This has been my first week back since the first of December, because of the holidays, it was just the way it worked out.
The other guys in the flight rotation (there are three of us), didn't exactally score a ton of hours in the air as the weather has been bad for the last month. A 1.1 here, a.3 there, it's a long way away from the golden flight weeks of the summer and fall.
Sitting at the ready at the aerodrome, waiting for the weather to clear and the news to break can make the time go slow. Very slow indeed.

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