Sunday, March 05, 2006

Men's Hockey Gold

This kinda sums it up, doesn't it ?

It had been 3 full weeks since Brent, Mike and I had landed in Torino Italy. It seemed longer. Little sleep and down time will do that to you. But we had packed a lot in during the past three weeks. We had some great laughs, we had some times that we thought that this assignment would get the better of us. It didn't.

I had always wanted an Olympic assignment. From the time I first decided that broadcasting was to be my future, I thought of an Olympic assignment as being the choice gig. What with games in far away places and the chance to meet people from around the world, how could it not be the prima assignment. Yes it would be hard work. It's certainly not a vacation, but if you seize your moments, you experience things you cannot imagine.
Such was the final weekend of our Olympic Tour.

Saturday brought a busy day and a late assignment at BC House. The governor general was to make an appearance. The event was to be filled with Olympian, VANOC and other VIPs. The event also caused a bit of concern because of it's timing. It was set to begin just before our feed window would open at The Crack House. I would have to have all my editing done early and then head over to th Gov.'s event. It was supposed to begin at 7:30. Traffic was bad, very bad. I had Alby drop me off at the river and I sprinted the 8 blocks to BC House. I made it without having a heart attack, not bad for a short fat guy I thought.
fortunately the same traffic that conspired against me was also working to delay the Gov.
It all worked out in the end. I got what I needed and rushed off to meet up with the crew at ABC to feed.

Sunday brought that sense we were at the end. Our story would be about the star of the closing, Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan. We wouldn't have to roll a camera until late. That gave Mike and I the chance to go and see some hockey. Vicki Gabereau, talk show host extrodinare, had been working with Brent and I on and off through out the last 3 weeks. Brent and here produced items for E-Talk Daily and CTV Vancouver. Brent got to the point that he even tried his hand at editing some of these. I appreciated that very much.

Vicki and I at the Mens Hockey Gold Medal Game .

Thanks Vicki

She in her amazing generosity, gave me two tickets to the mens gold medal game. I guess early on, seeing how hard we were all working, and knowing how much I loved hockey, she took pitty on me. It was very kind and something that I will never forget. Mike also liked hockey. Brent was busy figuring our his logistics for the plane ride home and wasn't a big hockey fan. Brent was going to fly home with the VANOC people and the Olympic Flag. Our competitors were not aware of our plans and Brent was going to get the only exclusive of the games.
Mike and I would have rathered Canada was playing in the final. Hell you have already read about my disappointment with the mens team, but hey, I would be there and there were a number of Vancouver Canucks playing.
It was a fun afternoon. I sat with Vicki and Mike. Sweden won, the twins got their gold medals. I was happy for them.

The fans that were sitting beside us, they had a great time as did we. At least they went home happy!

Mike and I enjoying the Game

Team Sweden Celebrates it's second Gold Medal in Olympic Mens Hockey

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